3. The Menu Bar
3. The Menu Bar
3. The Menu Bar
3.4. The Graphics Menu
3.4.1. Manhole Command
Pressing the Menu Command "Manhole", Users select the Graphic Element Manhole.
As explained in the previous Chapter 2.5. concerning the Network Layout, Manholes are the main Graphic elements of the Network as, within iDrawlix 2k18, other Graphics and Non Graphics objects are linked to Manholes.
After the Menu Command "Manhole", Users are allowed to Draw, Select, Erase and Move Manholes (and other Graphic elements linked to them).
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Translation from original language: Italian. Review on iDrawlix SMALL PRO v. 1.0.1. on Mac App Store. 10.17.2017
Interesting technical application, easy to use and remarkable practicality. extremely satisfactory also in terms of reliability. we expect profitable developments regarding the use of commercial materials.
CIDIEMME Engineering S.r.l.
Naples, Italy EU
Review on iDrawlix SMALL PRO v. 1.0.1. on Mac App Store. 10.07.2017
More than one +:
1. The App does exactly what is explained in its description.
2. The Playground is effectively a great idea!
3. Impressively wide documentation.
4. The tutorial drove me simply in the hydraulic verification/design of a couple of sewer I had to implement suddenly.
5. Last but not least: finally, a funny but definitively appropriate name for an app!
One (little) -
It is a pity, at moment, I couldn't find any ready-to-use manufacturers' catalog of sewers in the owner website: maybe this could speed up even more user's work!
Review on iDrawlix SMALL PRO v. 1.0.1. on Mac App Store. 11.14.2017
This application is very intuitive. Finally an application really easy to use. This application solved a lot of problems of engineers and is very useful the prospect of downloading the catalogs provided by the companies in the sector of use in hydraulic design.
eng. Angelo De Candia
Naples, Italy EU
Review on iDrawlix SMALL PRO v. 1.0.1. on Mac App Store. 10.10.2017
Finally a well-structured, very intuitive and easy Mac engineering application. I hope in a quick release of the higher version so i can actually use the product in designing sewer networks. Very Interesting in this regard is the prospect of downloading the catalogs provided by the companies in the sector with the simultaneous upload of the piping section. Very well indeed!!