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iDrawlix Mobile Maps can load iOS Project exported from iDrawlix 2k19.

The procedure is really easy: 
1. Design your network with iDrawlix 2k19
2. Export it in iOSPRJ format.
3. Load it in iCloud and then 
4. Open it in iDrawlix Mobile Maps.


iDrawlix Mobile Maps will be very useful in the Construction Site as it can show your GPS position and all the georeferenced collections of your Sewer Network, made within iDrawlix 2k19; i.e:
- Manholes;
- Conduits;
- CSOs (Combined Sewer Overflows);
- Pumping Stations;
- Punctual Inlets.


The final design will be very useful to the local Administrations as they will always keep the AS BUILD Georeferenced Sewer Network available for the iPads and iPhones of their engineers or employees.
Enjoy #theArtOfSewering with iDrawlix.

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