3. The Menu Bar
3. The Menu Bar
3. The Menu Bar
3.4. The Graphics Menu
3.4.1. Manhole Command
Pressing the Menu Command "Manhole", Users select the Graphic Element Manhole.
As explained in the previous Chapter 2.5. concerning the Network Layout, Manholes are the main Graphic elements of the Network as, within iDrawlix 2k18, other Graphics and Non Graphics objects are linked to Manholes.
After the Menu Command "Manhole", Users are allowed to Draw, Select, Erase and Move Manholes (and other Graphic elements linked to them).

iDrawlix 2k19

iDrawlix 2k18
Most designs are carried out by trial and error. System properties (e.g. pipe diameter and gradient) are proposed and then tested for compliance with constraints or rules (e.g. self cleansing velocity, capacity, minimum pipe size). If the rules are violated, a new design is proposed and retested iteratively until satisfactory performance is demonstrated. No real attempt is made to achieve an optimum design, rather one that fits for purpose.
There is a wealth of academic literature on optimal design of storm sewer systems, but concepts and techniques developed have not, at least so far, found their way into routine practice. Butler D., Davies J. (2011) - Urban Drainage - Third Edition. Spon Press.

Spatial Model: Georeferenced Bitmaps and World files allow you to correctly define the Space of every Sewer Network geometric element.
Digital Elevation Model: iDrawlix® 2k1x can build the Spatial Model DEM, starting from a set of 3D Points or importing it directly in the ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format.
Slope Analisys: starting from the DEM, Spatial Model can be provided with the Slope spatial distribution. It is very useful for the Drainage Areas defining as well as for the Sewer Network Longitudinal Layout.
Rain Model: iDrawlix® 2k1x provides a variety of method to choose the Intensity Duration Frequencies (IDFs): 2 parameters, hyperbolic 3 parameters, ASCE 3 parameters and directly the precipitations of the Deutscher Wetterdienst.
Return Periods: for each IDF, you can choose the Return Period to test the Sewer Network.
Land Use Model: iDrawlix® 2k1x allows you to describe the spatial distribution over the Spatial Model of the 21 Land-Use Runoff Categories defined within the original ASCE Rational Method. User Defined category is also allowed in order to comply with the German Standard DWA-A 118 as well as with the Italian "Corrivazione".
Sanitary Model: Sanitary Unit Loads are model-defined through key-forecasting parameters derived from prestigious academic literature. For each Drainage Area, you can specify single load sources (e.g. inhabitants per housing, pupils per primary schools, wash machines per laundries and so on).
Storm Water Quality: iDrawlix® 2k1x allows you to set, for each main Storm Pollutant, the Unit Load per impervious unit area drained per year that meanly contributes to pollute the wastewater carried downstream by the Sewer Network. iDrawlix® 2k1x can calculate the mean event concentration and mass balances of pollutants for each knot of the Sewer Network.
Sanitary Water Quality: you can set the mass unit load for every Human Activity (e.g. anthropic pollution source). iDrawlix® 2k1x refers to the equivalent household concept in order to forecast, through the mean event, the concentration and the mass balance for each pollutant examined, for each knot of the Sewer Network.

Planimetric Layout: the Network is based on the main geometric punctual element: the Manhole.
Conduits are defined as linear elements between the InLet Manhole and the OutLet Manhole, downstream oriented, based on the current.
Drainage Areas are two-dimensional elements which include the associated Conduit. The most downstream section of the Conduit cutoffs the Drainage Area defining the sanitary and storm loads.
Special Manholes can be defined as punctual Inflows (punctual Wet Weather Loads), Pumps (Not calculated within the APP) or CSOs (defined through up to four different conditions of discharge).
Longitudinal Layout: the Sewer Network is fully defined only if the longitudinal profile is actually defined. Users can interactively define the Network Longitudinal Layout, fine tuning Crowns, Inverts and Slopes in order to optimize the budget and fulfill the Optimum-Design BMPs.

Full Playground Support: every Conduit can be linked to any specific Cross Section chosen in the set of ten different types of Sewers, Culvert or Open Channel.
Full Sewer Catalogue Support: you can have the APP choose the best fitting Cross Section of the Current Catalogue loaded. At the same time, you can decide to "Lock" a specific Cross Section as Linked to a certain Conduit of the Sewer Network (e.g. Testing an existing Network).
Network Engine: the network engine solver works on the well known ASCE Rational Method and its local derivations such as the Italian "Corrivazione" and the German DWA-A 118 Standard.
Import: Georeferenced Bitmaps & World Files Couples (such as tiff/tifw, jpg/jpgw and so on).
Import/Export: ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRID File Format for Land Use, Digital Elevation Model, Slope Analysis.
Export DXF: iDrawlix® 2k1x allows you to export planimetric as well longitudinal layouts in DXF format.
Text Reports: iDrawlix® 2k1x can produce the same stunning Reports as the minor iDrawlix® SMALL for each Conduit in the Catalogue. Moreover, iDrawlix® 2k1x produces complete Text Reports after each RUN (Storm/Sanitary/Combined).
Contract Drawings: seeing is believing. The completeness of iDrawlix® 2k1x producing effective Drawings is absolutely unique.
iDrawlix® 2k19 can also export the Planimetric Layout of Your Sewer Network for iDrawlix® Mobile Maps, the ultimate APP of the iDrawlix® family for iPhone and iPad: discover the advantage of taking your project at the Construction Site, always in your pocket!
Discover all the iDrawlix® 2k18 and iDrawlix® 2k19 In App Purchase Packs