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Help on Line
note: if You are searching about iOS 13 or newer versions of iDrawlix Mobile Help on Line web guide, please click here.

iDrawlix® Mobile can handle a single partially full Sewer or Open Channel.

It helps Users defining main hydraulics characteristics of a given cross section such as normal and critical conditions, once that Slope, Discharge and all the geometric data of the sewer or open channel have been defined, in a set of eleven different kind of cross sections.


It is only available for iOS devices and you can buy on the App Store.

Main View header
Main View Cross Section List
Sections 1 to 6
Main View Cross Section List
Sections 7 to 11

Within the Main view, you can select the type of cross section to play with, in the following set:

- Open Channels:

  • Simple Trapezoidal,

  • Compound Trapezoidal.

- Closed Channels/Sewers:

  • Rectangular,

  • Rectangular with Triangular Bottom,

  • Rectangular with Circular Bottom,

  • Circular,

  • Standard Egg-Shaped (old England Style),

  • New Egg-Shaped,

  • Arch,

  • Horseshoe,

  • Elliptical.

By clicking on the Cross Section, you can access to the desired Cross Section View.

Cross Section View

In this example, an Elliptical Cross Section is chosen.

By default, each Cross Section is filled with certain starting data.

You can change any parameter value in the appropriate field.

You can select up to four different Hydraulics Calculation Models:

  • Gauckler & Strickler,

  • Chezy-Bazin,

  • Chezy-Kutter, and

  • Manning.

Each Cross Section can be characterised by two Roughness Coefficients: one for the bottom and one for the edges (sides).

Parameter "h" refers to the bottom depth (characterised by the "Bottom Roughness Coefficient". "H" refers to the overall Depth of  the internal section.

All the necessary geometric parameters are graphically explained by the legend and the quotes next to the cross section displayed at the top of the View.

iDrawlix Mobile also displays in real time:

  • Normal Flow Depth;

  • Critical Flow Depth;

  • Maximum Discharge Rate,

at any change of each given parameter.

By tapping the Cross Section Picture, you can see a Full Screen View. Push the system Button Share in order to save the selected image in your camera gallery. You can also share it with your friends via Air Drop, or social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even WhatsApp.

Stage-Discharge View

Within the Stage-Discharge View, you can experience the Stage-Discharge plotting in the classic dimensionless scale, for the current Cross Section.


Each Parameter is plotted vs. the ratio Yn/H, where:

  • Yn is the normal depth;

  • H is the maximum internal depth of the given Cross Section.

In the bottom View, the following parameters are shown, for each Y, assumed as normal depth Yn:

  • Tn, as the corresponding Free Width Surface,

  • Pn, as the corresponding Wet Perimeter,

  • An, as the Hydraulic Cross Section involved,

  • Rn, as the Hydraulic Radius,

  • Qn, as the normal Discharge,

  • Vn, as the normal Velocity,

  • Yc, depth in critical conditions,

  • Ac, cross sectional area in critical conditions,

  • Vc, velocity in critical conditions.

Tapping the Stage-Discharge Picture, you can see a Full Screen View. Push the system Button Share in order to save the selected picture in your image gallery. You can also share it with your friends via Air Drop, or social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp.

HGL (Hydraulic Grade Line) View

Within the HGL (Hydraulic Grade Line) View, you can experience the HGL plotting for the current Cross Section.

iDrawlix Mobile allows to consider Channels or Sewers of length:

  • Downstream semidefinite, setting the Switch "Upstream Condition" to the value ON and the Switch "Downstream Condition" to value OFF;

  • Upstream semidefinite, setting the Switch "Downstream Condition" to the value ON and the Switch "Upstream Condition" to value OFF;

  • Infinite: in this case both the two Switches must be set on OFF;

  • User Defined: every time at least one of the two above Switches is set on ON, current Channel or Sewer has the Length of the corresponding field, assigned in the text box at the bottom of the HGL View. In case of semidefinite channels, the HGL is integrated with respect to the assigned length. Based on this assumption, the HGL may not completely develop into the assigned length of the channel.

The Data set in the Cross Section View, that is: all the Cross Section data, the Discharge value, and the longitudinal Slope value, determine if the current Channel or Sewer is in Mild or in Step Slope mode.

iDrawlix Mobile, for each set of conditions, produces the integration explained, for example, in the iBook-Guide of iDrawlix SMALL for OSX and represents a table with the following parameters:

  • L(i), longitudinal abscissa (from 0 to L) of the integration;

  • Y(i), depth of the current at L(i);

  • E(i), energy of the current at L(i);

  • M(i) the momentum, sum of the hydrostatic forces and the momentum fluxes.

Playing within the allowed values of depth in the border conditions (Upstream, Downstream or both), you can experience how the HGL varies, based on the given geometry, longitudinal slope and discharge.

By tapping the HGL Picture, you can see a Full Screen View. Push the system Button Share in order to save the selected picture in your camera gallery. You can also share it with Your friends via Air Drop, or social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp.

iDrawlix and iDrawlix Logo are registered ®2017 of ENVISYS Environmental Engineering. 

ENVISYS and the ENVISYS Logo are registered ®2006 of ENVISYS Environmental Engineering.

All rights reserved.

ENVISYS is NOT affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Apple Inc. or any other companies like Microsoft, ESRI or AUTODESK. All trademarks mentioned in iDrawlix APPs, iDrawlix manuals and website are property of their respective owners.

©Studio Envisys 2017-2020


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